International AIA Convention
The Auxiliaries in Action (AIA) Convention, is the annual spring convention of the United Churchs of God In Christ, Inc. (UCOGIC), which is geared toward spiritual enrichment, training, education and fellowship. The goal of AIA is to achieve effectiveness in ministry. The AIA Convention is a family involvement experience, brings together five auxiliaries of the United Churches of God in Christ: Music and Youth, Missions and Evangelism and Sunday School, as they share three conventions in one setting.

Bishop Dorell McCroery, Sr.
International AIA Chairman

Bishop John Rowe, Sr.
Vice-Chairman of Education & Worship Planning

Supt. Michael McCants
Vice-Chairman of Operations & Logistics

Pastor Lisa Ellis
Vice-Chairman of Finance

Pastor Shy Richardson
AIA Conference Coordinator

District Missionary Hope McCants
AIA Convention Services Coordinator

Supervisor Calandria McCroery
President's Banquet Coordinator

Overseer Cory Moss
Advisor to the Chairman