Come Be A Part Of Our Growing Movement
Please read this document before proceeding to application
There is only one association with the UCOGIC organization that a prospective church can be implemented into:
Affiliation: becoming a subsidiary or branch of this existing organization. An affiliate is a church that shall have the rights and responsibilities as outlined, and be attached or united on terms of fellowship, with the International organization and all of its Jurisdictions.
Compliance with the aforementioned shall constitute a ministry as being in good status with United Churches of God in Christ.
The affiliation procedure aligns a church totally with United Churches of God in Christ. Under the terms of the affiliation, it should be understood that the church or group of churches shall be required to comply with all the governing rules and regulations as well as the doctrine of the International organization.
The local church or group of churches is to meet all claims and assessments and embrace the organization’s doctrine. Additionally, the local church or group of churches will be required to carry the “brand” (i.e. logo, leadership names, addresses, etc.) of UCOGIC whether on stationary and correspondence, website, and/or within the church facility in order to show that they are an affiliate of the International UCOGIC organization. Furthermore, the Board of Bishops and the Presiding Bishop shall discuss Jurisdiction placement for any church/ministry considering UCOGIC affiliation.
The decision to unite a ministry with an established organization is not to be done unadvisedly or without careful thought, prayer and an information base. The overall desire is to provide for the Pastor and congregation a method by which they may grow into their new prospective family, hence making the transition flow as smoothly as possible.