Presiding Bishop
Aaron B. Lackey, Sr.
Bishop Aaron B. Lackey, Sr. is the youngest child of the late Deacon James E. Lackey, Sr. and
the late Mother Nornell H. Lackey. God has blessed the bishop to receive his Bachelor of Arts
degree in Biblical Studies, a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Counseling, and a Doctor of Biblical
Studies Degree, plus many honorary degrees from various institutions.
On March 2, 1985, he married his high school sweetheart, Lakita Y. Caldwell. God has blessed
them with two beautiful and very talented children, Aaronlyn Lackey Wright (Leon, Jr.) and Aaron
B. Lackey, Jr. The bishop has also been blessed with two grandchildren, Xavier L. Wright and
Aalivia D. Wright.
He is a “servant leader” that has given his life to help others. He serves God and his community in
the following capacities:
Organizing Senior Pastor, Temple of Prayer Family Worship Cathedral (February 1988 –Present).
Prelate, Georgia Northeast Jurisdiction, UCOGIC (September 2003 – Present).
Chief Apostle & Presiding Bishop, United Churches of God in Christ [UCOGIC] (January 2009 – Present)
Chief Executive Officer, Aaron B. Lackey Ministries, Inc. (October 2015 – Present)
Elite Chaplain, Fulton County, GA Sheriff’s Office (March 2017 – Present)
Chaplain, City of Fairburn, GA (December 2018 – Present)
Vice-President, South Fulton Ministerial Alliance (December 2019 – Present)
Managing Partner, Faith Strategies Group, LLC (July 2021 – Present)
God has allowed the bishop to receive numerous honors, awards and proclamations. But his greatest
honor is to serve and to empower “The Least, The Less, The Lost & The Left Out”. His philosophy
of, “Servant-Leadership,” is evidenced through his community service and activism.” Since 2015,
Bishop Lackey, through Aaron B. Lackey Ministries, Inc., and Temple of Prayer Family Worship
Cathedral, has sponsored an “Annual Christmas Giveaway” in Fairburn, GA. Through this effort,
an estimated $150,000 in food, clothes, blankets, toys and bicycles, is given to families that need
assistance throughout the cities of Fairburn, Union City, Palmetto and South Fulton, GA annually.
From a national search in January 2019, Bishop Lackey was selected, as one of only 40 pastors, to
become a “Hampton University P.R.I.M.E. Fellow”. In December 2019, Bishop Aaron B. Lackey,
Sr. was named as one of the “Top 25 Extraordinary Atlantans” by the Atlanta Business Journal
Magazine. The bishop has been named an “Outstanding Georgia Citizen” on 3 different occasions.
In 2023, Bishop Lackey received both “The President’s Volunteer Service Award” and “The
President’s Lifetime Achievement Award” from the Honorable, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and
recorded, “Let’s Go to Church!”, a musical project featuring, the UCOGIC Mass Choir.
In June 2024, at the “Rhythm of Gospel Awards”, “Bishop Aaron Lackey & the UCOGIC Choir”
won, “Contemporary Choir of the Year”, “Gospel Song of the Year”, and “New Artist of the Year”.
This powerful man of vision, has allowed God to birth within him, a message designed to, “Save,
Heal, Equip, and to Evangelize,” a lost and dying world. At every venue, Bishop Aaron B. Lackey,
Sr. uses his God-given charisma to, “Reach the Lost & Teach the Found”!